Thursday, February 25, 2010

Chinese New Year Resolution

Since I didn't make any resolutions for January 1st New Year 2010, I have this resolution for Chinese New Year. :p Hihi..
1. I want to pass HSK (Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi), it is a kind of TOEFL but for Chinese. I want to be able to pass level 6 or higher! I want to so I WILL! Amienn.. x) I will communicate with Chinese people more often than last year.
2. I want to have a better relationship with my boyfriend, actually this is our new year resolution. He always have this vision of having a relationship yang adem ayem, ga ada berantem-berantemnya. Sangat setuju, tapi entah mengapa sulit sekali.. Me with so much negativity (maaf ya, pacar) and him with his positive energy all around him. Sebenernya kalo kita ga jauh-jauhan adem ayem, begitu ga ketemu huuu.. LDR can be hard sometimes.. Thanks for being very understanding and patient with me.
I used to be a very patient and a very understanding girlfriend, unfortunately it is for the wrong man. I learnt my lesson. But it is affecting my new relationship. Some part of me want to let go and just be what I used to be, but the other part is so afraid of getting hurt it tells me not to lose myself.  I think I decided to be the old me but a better version of course, I hope it works for us. It is so confusing.
Thanks to Mister, with his endless patience and love, I am who I am now, you make me love again.
3. Wake up early everyday, make time for God before going to classes.
4. Be more organized (nyiapin barang2 untuk besok dari hari sebelumnya) and rajin bebersih tentunya!
5. Rajin pangkal pandai! Read textbook everyday and learn something new everyday and try not to forget it.

To be continued..

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