Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Hello, hello! It's time for a change.

Much things happened in this past few weeks. I given my HSK Exam last April 18th, the result will be out in about 2-3 weeks I guess, I just keep on praying that I'll pass level 6 this time so I will not need to give another try. I had enough with HSK, but still need to improve my Chinese! I haven't been so diligent about this one. My Chinese Proficiency Level is just like my life, there's time when it is really good, and there's also time when it is really really bad..
Other than HSK, my life has gone back to its usual routine, classes in the morning, nap time in the afternoon, then I have more classes, finally come back to my dorm and just spend most of my time in front of my laptop.
I need to remind myself again and again to focus on the goal! GRADUATE and become a GOOD DOCTOR, not just a doctor. And in order to do so, I need my Chinese both speaking and writing ability to be ready for next year's internship.
I still have no idea what I'm gonna do after, well, first on my list after I graduate is to continue my study, I just pray that God will make the way, I pray that everything will go on smoothly. It is true what lots of people said that being a doctor is a never ending study. Everyday there is always something new, something to learn. God help me, I want to study diligently because I don't want to have any regrets in the future. I want to do my best.
Anyway, in the midst of uncertainty and doubt, there's always something to be thankful for. I thank God for the weather, finally a nice and warm weather. :) I thank God because I'll be back to Jakarta soon! Haha. Not that soon actually, just for a bit of encouragement. :p I'll be going back to Jakarta on July 15th (papa's birthday), I'll be spending my summer holiday in Jakarta and mostly in Bandung I think, my sister is having her baby. :) See? I still have some things to be thankful for. Hehe..

This is one of the spring scenery that I really love. It's in my campus ground.

One more thing, I decided to leave my glasses in its box for a while, I am wearing contact instead. I am trying to get use to it now, I almost buy the one with colors, but finally I got myself 3 pairs of Acuvue Clear contact lens. I really want to try the green color though!! I tried brown ones, and it makes my eyes bigger, I love it, but I really want to try something new and I hope it will be a good change for me. I think I am in a state where I want a lot of things in my life to change, a good change of course.To be continued..

Sunday, April 11, 2010

"When you're struggling with something, look at all the people around you and realize that every single person you see is struggling with something, and to them, it's just as hard as what you're going through."  
~Nicholas Sparks (Dear John)

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Langit di luar memang cerah adanya
Tetapi apa boleh dikata, yang ada di hati hanya kebimbangan dan rasa hampa
Langit di luar memang cerah adanya
Tetapi apa boleh dikata, urusan hati membuat cerah berubah menjadi mendung senja

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Malam Minggu di Negeri Orang

Kalo biasanya ngabisin waktu di Jakarta sama teman-teman, sama keluarga. Bagaimana dengan di negeri orang? Jauh dari teman-teman, jauh dari keluarga.
I really don't have that much friends here, my besties are all kinda busy during the weekend, so here I am alone, writing, I usually spend my weekend in my room, watching movies or tv series, but today okay I had enough I guess, I really could use some fresh air outside my comfort zone inside my dorm room. I changed to something warm, put on my shoes and walked to the nearest bus station (which is 20 minutes walk from my dorm), ugh.. Naik busnya sendiri aja cuman 5 menit.. Kadang-kadang kangen Indo yang biasa naik bus di mana aja. Hahaha. :p

I went to In City Mall, satu-satunya mall yang kayak mall Indo, yang lain ampir semuanya kayak ITC, bersyukur banget begitu mall ini akhirnya buka di Suzhou. Why do I love this mall? Because it kinda feels like home, hehehe. Anyway, today I craved for a vanilla cream puff by beard papa.

Recommended "cemilan pagi/siang/malam" yang lumayan mahal. Hikss.. Karena mahal jadi ga bisa sering-sering beli.. It costs 7 yuan for vanilla cram puff (the cheapest one), hihi. I never try the green tea flavour, it costs 9 yuan, maybe I'll try it someday?


Hikss. I miss my mommy, my family, studying abroad makes me want to hug them more, whenever I get the chance. I miss my boyfie too. Huuu.