Wednesday, May 1, 2013

If you ever have the chance, please do visit: 
Catatan Lilliput ^^

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The interview!

September 4, 2012

And just one day before I was about to take back all my academic transcripts from the med council, the lady called me to come for an interview the next day! Coincidence? Nahh, I'd rather see this as the mysterious way of my God working in my life.

Wish me luck for tomorrow! God bless you all.

P.S. I'm just gonna let all the other pieces of puzzle fall into place.

Update on the interview:
It's more of a formality and part of the long process of getting the 'magic letter' that can get me to register to one of the med faculty here. The professor asked me and my other friends as well about diseases that are commonly encountered during our internship back then and some more about the treatment and some basics of TB and hepatitis, acute coronary syndromes + some peds questions. I'm just glad it's over.
Thanks Father for getting me through the interview.

Update on IM:
It's PACKING time!! -_-

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Hello September!

Dear September,

I know that you are gonna be as unpredictable as August, but I believe that you are gonna be an awesome start of a new path I am willing to take to finally get out of my comfort zone and do things that I have never been able to do before.

This time I would like to write about being grateful as well as being disappointed. But let's get on with the good news first..
1) INDONESIA MENGAJAR, it's official now, I am now officially  'Calon Pengajar Muda V' (CPM V), I finally decided to take on the opportunity although it means that I have to postpone my adaptation program for at least another year and I have to be away again from my family and my mister.. It's H-7 to the 7-week of intensive training for the prep before deployment. So, basically I am going to be an elementary school teacher for the next year if I pass the training session, it's not going to be easy, but I am ready to give my best! I believe this is where God wants me right now, I have to take the longer pathway before going back to medicine.
Most of the times it's a struggle for me, I don't really understand why God wants me in this program.
2) Being a Front Officer at the former school where I used to work as an assistant teacher.
This one also had been a great opportunity for me to become better at communicating with other people and also learn more about problem-solving. Long story short, I nailed the job. :) Thanks God for giving me the opportunity to face my own fear. (in this case: answering phone calls, talking to strangers, etc..) I am now gaining a lil more confidence in this area.
3) Having to postpone my adaptation program is probably one of the hardest sacrifice I have to make for joining Indonesia Mengajar. I am not even sure now how am I going to get back on the med track. Seeing some of my friends already begin with their adaptation is even more suffocating! Because I know for sure that me also is qualified as they are.. Wanting something so much but having no idea how to get it even after you work super hard is the worst feeling ever (well, maybe second to being dumped by someone who you completely head-over-heels in love with yet the person is just not that into you).
4) Not being able to drive is very TROUBLESOME especially in Jakarta! Public transportation in Jakarta sucks. TITIK. Pardon me for being a bit emotional today. My dad had an acute appendicitis last Monday, he was in Bandung at that time so he had operation in one of the hospital in Bandung. Praise God everything went well.  But now he won't be able to drive for some times and my mister is also busy working and everybody else is also busy with their own life, all that's left is spoiled-me. -_- I have this fear when I have to ride public transportation just by myself. This is just too much.. H-7 to IM training and I still have so much stuff to pack, God help me!

Have faith Lilli, open your bible, fix your prayer life.. *trying so hard to convince myself*

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Life goes on.. Part 2

Direct Assessment 21 Juni 2012

Wah, wah, sampai juga hari DA! Parahnya hari sebelumnya saya tidak tidur, mengapa begini mengapa begitu?
Jadi begini ceritanya beberapa hari sebelumnya I got my ear pierced (I actually had my ear pierced once before a longgg time ago, tapi berhubung salah satunya sakit waktu itu, saya lepas dan akhirnya lubangnya menutup), akhirnya setelah mengumpulkan keberanian lagi ditindiklah kuping kanan saya sekali lagi dan kali ini saya bertekad supaya jangan sampai menutup lagi lubangnya. Dengan ditindiknya kuping saya, ternyata pada orang dewasa lukanya butuh waktu lebih lama untuk sembuh apabila dibandingkan dengan anak-anak, alhasil badan saya agak sedikit demam dan ada sedikit pembengkakkan kelenjar getah bening di belakang kuping kanan saya. Karena hal inilah saya cukup kesulitan untuk tidur ditambah nyamuk-nyamuk nakal dan sedikit banyak rasa deg-deg-an menghadiri DA.
Saya berangkat pukul setengah 5 pagi bersama kedua orang tua saya, ikut gereja setengah 6 pagi di Gereja Blok B, kemudian mama turun di tempat senam dan papa saya mengantar saya ke kantor IM yang terletak di Jalan Galuh II no. IV,  setengah 7 pagi saya sampai dan mencoba untuk tidur sebentar.

Dalam direct assessment ada banyak tes yang harus peserta lalui, termasuk di dalamnya yaitu self presentation, psikotest, role play, simulasi mengajar, interview, dan focus group discussion.

Pendaftaran dimulai pukul 7, sudah ada beberapa peserta yang datang. Saya menyerahkan dokumen-dokumen yang dibutuhkan lalu mulai berkenalan dengan peserta-peserta lainnya.
Dimulai dengan penjelasan singkat mengenai program Indonesia Mengajar oleh Pa Susilo dari bagian rekrutmen tim IM. Beliau menjelaskan bahwa program IM mengirimkan pengajar muda (PM) sebanyak 2 kali dalam setahun, disebut dengan angkatan ganjil dan genap.
Angkatan kali ini ialah angkatan ke V, untuk angkatan ganjil daerahnya adalah: kab. Bengkalis (Riau), kab. Tulang Bawang Barat (Lampung), kab. Paser (Kalimantan Timur), kab. Majene (Sulawesi Barat), dan kab. Halmahera Selatan (Maluku Utara).
Setelah pengenalan singkat, kami dibagikan kertas kasus untuk group discussion, di sini kami diminta untuk menganalisa kasus secara pribadi terlebih dahulu. Kemudian kami dibagi menjadi beberapa kelompok. Kelompok saya waktu itu terdiri dari 6 orang. (ada Hesty, Ratih, Ane, Topan, Eko, dan saya sendiri) Mereka adalah sarjana-sarjana unggulan dari bermacam-macam universitas di Indonesia dengan prestasinya masing-masing, serta visi, misinya yang begitu mantap, saya sangat kagum dengan mereka.
Kelompok saya mulai dengan self introduction, masing-masing mendapatkan waktu 7 menit untuk memperkenalkan diri, sesi tanya-jawab singkat. Masih pagi, masih agak canggung, namun lama-kelamaan makin menyenangkan.
Tes kedua yang harus kami hadapi adalah role play, terdapat suatu kasus yang mesti dicoba diselesaikan bersama dan masing-masing dari kami diberikan peran dan dituntut untuk memerankan perannya dengan sebaik-baiknya. Saya sangat menyukai sesi ini.
Setelah role play ada waktu kosong sebentar sembari kami menunggu tes yang selanjutnya, dan pada saat itu tiba-tiba handphone saya bergetar, saya cek handphonenya di caller ID muncul nomor yang sepertinya saya kenal, dan benar saja itu adalah telepon dari MKKI (Majelis Kolegium Kedokteran Indonesia) hendak memberi tahu bahwa hari berikutnya which is 22 June, 6 o' clock they want me to come for the interview!!! SERIOUSLY?! Pas sekali waktunya yaaa, saya pusing, bagaimana iniii. DILEMAA. Yah tapii liburan tetap liburan, liburan yang sudah saya tunggu dari setahun yang lalu, akhirnya dengan sangat terpaksa saya memutuskan untuk re-schedule dan kembali menunggu untuk jadwal interview berikutnya yang entah kapan datangnya. Anyway, back to DA. (fyi, ini saya begitu dapat telepon langsung ngacirr masuk ke kamar mandi, telepon sebentar, pas keluar-keluar ehh pengujinya udah dateng, untung aja gpp, fiuhhh)
Hari mulai siang, perut mulai lapar, tes berikut untuk kelompok kami adalah psikotest! Aduhh saya sudah mulai pusing, mana sejak pagi tadi saya juga merasa tidak enak badan plus masuk angin, saya kerjakan sebisanya. Psikotestnya adalah PAPI test, simple, jawab sesuai hati nurani saja, hehe.. Setelah PAPI test, ada juga test gambar.
Sudahh, namun ternyata hari masih teramat panjang bagi kami. Hahaha.. Dan sebelum kamu bisa beristirahat untuk makan siang, jrenggg.. tiba untuk SIMULASI MENGAJAR, tes yang paling membuat saya tidak tenang. Hahaha.. Tiap peserta dapat giliran 7 menit untuk mengajar (materi dipersiapkan sendiri), sementara satu peserta mengajar, peserta-peserta lain berpura-pura menjadi murid, tambahan murid berasal dari PM sebelumnya dan juga tim IM yang hadir pada saat itu. Luar biasa menyenangkan sekaligus membuat jantung rasanya berdebar dengan sangat kencang. Seruuu sekali bagian ini! Kami para peserta bersusah payah untuk menghadapi anak-anak SD yang sungguh aneh bin ajaib pada sesi ini. Untunglah waktu terasa amat cepat berjalan dan sepanjang sesi ini gelak tawa tidak berhenti terdengar dari kami semua.
Istirahat makan siang, makan bersama, setelah makan ada beberapa peserta yang sholat terlebih dahulu sebelum melanjutkan ke sesi tes berikutnya.
Berikutnya adalah focus group discussion, saya pun sangat menyukai bagian ini, kami dipersilakan untuk berdiskusi antar anggota dalam kelompok untuk mencari solusi paling baik dari masalah yang diberikan. Kelompok saya adalah kelompok yang sangat menyenangkan di mana semua anggota kelompok memberikan waktu kepada masing-masing daripada anggotanya untuk mengungkapkan pendapat masing-masing, pada akhirnya inilah musyawarah untuk mufakat. Sukses untuk tim kami!
Tes terakhir ialah interview, satu-persatu dari kami masuk ke ruangan yang sudah ditentukan untuk kemudian di-interview oleh assessor dari P.T. Daya Dimensi Indonesia, satu jam kira-kira waktu yang dihabiskan, pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang diberikan cukup membutuhkan jawaban yang mendetail, tidak perlu tegang, anggaplah sesi ini sebagai sesi curhat, hehe..
Sekeluarnya saya dari ruangan interview, hanya satu saja yang saya rasakan: legaaaa, lega bahwa akhirnya saya bisa melewati hari tersebut. Sambil menunggu teman-teman yang belum selesai, kami yang sudah selesaipun bertukar cerita, bersenda gurau, sungguh terlihat kelelahan dari wajah setiap peserta namun terpancar pula kepuasan dan kesenangan. I really had so much fun that day, I am very grateful that I could meet so many amazing people and I really hope to see them again in the near future.
That's all for DA day. We were told to wait for at least until the end of July for the results, everybody will get the email (whether we pass or not), Pa Susilo is a person with a very good sense of humour.
So here comes the WAITING part, againnn..

Sekitar seminggu setelah DA berlalu, datang sms dari Topan (teman sekelompok sewaktu DA) menanyakan tentang apakah sudah ada yang dapat hasilnya ataukah masih waiting list. Saya segera cek email pada saat itu dan ternyata ada email yang menyatakan bahwa peserta diharap menunggu untuk hasilnya. Fuh, membuat saya deg2an sekali, bikin gregetannn, hehehe.. Topan memberitahu bahwa sudah ada 2 teman dari kelompok kami yang lolos, wahhhh, hebat!! Congrats to Ane and Ratih!
Saya tidak begitu banyak berharap untuk lolos tahap kedua ini karena obviously all the other applicants are superb! They have this amazing long background (either scholarships or experience in many organizations or other great achievements related to their hobbies, passion etc), it takes more than good grades to get into IM.
And believe it or not, yesterday I got a call from an old friend, she is a figure whom I really have respect to, her name is Ka Novi, she called and she said she was surprised that I applied for IM. Haha.. She said someone from IM called her to ask several questions about me, I felt so happy at that time. I said to her that I still don't know whether I am going to take this IF let's say I got accepted into IM, but I probably will take it since this is like once in a lifetime opportunity.
So, she told me to just wait for the news and wished me all the best. I told my mom about this, and surprisingly she is quite supportive about this.
So later that afternoon, I checked my email again, and there there: "Hasil Seleksi Tahap II". AAAAaaa, I started to panic, not sure of how I was supposed to feel. I opened it and started looking for the key word: "LOLOS", whattttt, I PASSED, I PASSED the second round of the test! I can't believe this!
Setelah mendapat berita ini, senang sekali, walaupun masih agak bingung, tapi bulat sudah saya akan ambil ini apabila Tuhan memang mengizinkan. After this comes the Medical Check Up (MCU), status for now: waiting. I am still waiting on the schedule. Pray for me, will you? :)) Thanks a bunch!

As for the med field, I believe that if it means for me there will be a way to go there, someday, when it's time, just not today. Have faith!

If they can do it, I can do it, and that means you can do it too! Nothing is impossible! 

Last but not least, to summarize everything: I can't believe it's JULY already!! The first 6 months of 2012 have passed! I can't believe I was still in China till last December doing medicine, I can't believe I had the chance to work in Bambino, I can't believe I got to go to Malaysia and celebrated my birthday with my loved one there, I can't believe I passed the second round of Indonesia Mengajar, I can't believe that I might be living somewhere really remote by the end of this year. I still can't believe all this, but this is it. This is God unveiling His plan for me, and ready or not, I HAVE TO BE READY because I am ready to work for Him, for the greater good, to actually do something for the society. I have never been more excited. Wish me luck, and please do pray for me. :)) Whatever lies ahead, bring it on!
Thank you God, your gift of life is amazing and I will try my best to live it joyfully so that in whatever I do it will be for the glory of Your name only.

and for verse of the week:
"Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. (1 Thes 5:16-18)

Have a good day friends! :))

Monday, July 2, 2012

Life goes on.. Part 1

Warning: This one is going to be a long post. *secara udah absen nulis entah berapa lama*

Heyhooo! Hello all! I'm backkk, not sure for how long, but always wish that I can constantly write and update this blog so I can always look back whenever I want to and look how far I've gone, have I become better? or the other way around.

I have been busy with the kids up until last month. I am done with my work there and what I can tell you about being a teacher assistant for pre-kindies is: 'it's exhausting!' hehehe.. It is really! the amount of work sometimes is unbearable, but the children are of course super adorable.
During my 4 months working there, I had so much fun with the kids, I made friends and I actually love working there, I also have learnt to be more creative (in ways that I never like to do arts & crafts before and so on). The climax of the work was during preparation for PTM (Parents-Teachers Meeting) where me and the other co-teachers had to finish the never-ending portfolios of each kid and the other one was preparation for graduation concert where we had to train the kids to dance for their final performance. Long story short, thanks God everything went just great! It's amazing, we all feel really happy because all the hard work are finally paid off. It's amazing! The kids had fun, we had fun! Their parents were very happy as well.
On the last day, I got an album of my kid's photos and their writings, and some of the parents also gave teachers farewell gifts. I will upload the pics once I get my bluetooth program fixed. 

First chapter of my life in this year 2012 is finished. (February-June 2012: Bambino Int. Preschool)

After I came back home, fyi during the time I work in Bambino I stayed in one of the kost-kostan behind kantor Walikota Jakarta Selatan (it was the same kost-kost-an as my sis when she was still in high school), Bambino is only 15-min walk from that place, and the best thing was my mister! I got to see him so often. :))

This part below I will write it in bahasa so I can express myself more freely! (read: no language barrier, hehe)

Sekitar pertengahan bulan Mei lalu, saat sedang ngobrol-ngobrol biasa sama pacar tentang apa yang akan saya harus lakukan setelah selesai mengajar di Bambino, hmmm, tiba-tiba dia menyeletuk tentang program 'Indonesia Mengajar', kenapa tidak mencoba daftar program ini? Ini adalah kali pertama saya mendengar tentang program ini. Dan di mobilnyalah, menggunakan iPadnya saat itu juga saya buka website Indonesia Mengajar membaca sebentar mengenai programnya dan akhirnya saya putuskan untuk mendaftar, membuat akun, mulai mengisi data. Little did I know that the application form was a bit troublesome. Pada saat itu akhirnya saya hanya mengisi seadanya, data-data dasar, data-data lainnya saya putuskan untuk mengisinya saat saya bisa online di laptop.
Oh ya, mari saya jelaskan sedikit mengenai program Indonesia Mengajar ini: apabila terpilih akan menjadi seorang 'Pengajar Muda' yang kemudian akan ditempatkan di salah satu daerah terpencil di Indonesia dengan tugas utama mengajar anak SD selama 1 tahun, mottonya adalah: "Setahun mengajar, seumur hidup menginspirasi". Untuk lebih lanjutnya bisa dilihat di website Indonesia Mengajar.

Singkat cerita, hari terakhir pendaftaran Indonesia Mengajar, saya memutuskan untuk mencoba menyelesaikan mengisi form aplikasinya yang mana terdiri dari banyak esai yang harus dijawab dengan 200-600 kata kalau saya tidak salah ingat. Saya yang sudah lama vakum menulis rasanya malas menyelesaikan, tetapi saya pikir this is one of the time in which I have nothing to lose but a lot to gain jadi saya putuskan untuk lengkapi form dan akhirnya kirim. Tidak masalah apakah esai yang saya buat itu harus dibuat seindah mungkin, yang saya ingat waktu itu saya hanya menjawab seadanya, yang terpikir saja berhubung waktu juga sudah kurang memadai.
Setelah kira-kira 2 minggu menunggu sementara menjalankan rutinitas seperti biasa datanglah email tersebut di awal Juni, email yang menyatakan bahwa saya lolos seleksi tahap pertama dan berhak untuk mengikuti seleksi tahap kedua yang adalah direct assessment. Jadwal DA saya pertama adalah tanggal 22 Juni, namun pada tanggal tersebut kebetulan adalah jadwal liburan saya ke Kuala Lumpur (thanks to mister who got us cheap Air Asia tickets last year), akhirnya saya minta apabila bisa untuk dipindahkan ke tanggal 21 Juni dan ternyata bisa! Sementara menunggu kedatangan hari DA, saya pun masih mencoba untuk mencari-cari lowongan pekerjaan lain dan satu yang menarik minat saya: walk-in interview pramugari SQ yang jatuh tanggal 29 Juni lalu. Hehe. This one is super random.
Hari-hari yang saya lewatkan sambil menunggu datangnya hari DA cukup membosankan karena kebanyakan saya habiskan di rumah (rumah saya cukup jauh dari pusat kota dan saya belum bisa menyetir sehingga untuk pergi biasanya harus mencocokkan jadwal dengan ibu saya dan pekerjaannya). Cerita mengenai DA akan saya tulis di post selanjutnya. :)) 

To be continued..

Friday, April 20, 2012

Random pic I chose for this post, this is me and my mister at Selasar Sunaryo 2 years back. Time flies. 
I am really glad for my life right now, God is good, because of Him I get to see my mister so often now and I am really grateful for every second I spend with him. 

Never take someone for granted.

"Wouldn't life be perfect IF sweatpants were sexy, Mondays were fun, junk food didn't make you fat, girls didn't cause so much drama, guys weren't confusing and goodbyes only meant until tomorrow?"

Yesss, life is so much better, life is perfect when goodbyes really are meant until tomorrow. 

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Home Sweet Home..

I know I haven't written again for weeks now. I have been busy getting my life back on track in my home country. God has been so good to me despite of some things that has been going on for a while in my family, but anyway everybody have their own issues, who doesn't? So for once, let's just look on the good sides, and be thankful for everything God had given us.

I've been back for almost 3 months now, and yet I haven't started my adaptation program (for the med field thingies). The reason was because I need my bachelor degree certificate, graduation certificate, etc (it was still being notarized etc in China, the process took weeks), but as for now, one more baby step, I just got all the documents and made copies of it and I am ready to move on to the next step which is going to DIKTI and let the government do its job. I probably will go to DIKTI next week (there is this one document though [read: LOG BOOK] which is required for the 'penyetaraan ijazah' process, and what a coincidence my uni doesn't have yet, someone in the uni is working on it and I heard it will be about 500 pages or so which means I have to print out 500 pages myself, mannn, more money to spend on nothing). -_- Sometimes I feel like stopping, I just want to take the easy way out, just quit on medicine and start looking for other options. It's not that I don't want to be a doctor, but it really take lots of my time (and my parent's money). My parents are getting old and I am so afraid of losing them. God help!
Anyway that's for the medicine thingies. Status: complicated.

Still about me and my working life. While I was waiting on my certif etc, I looked for job vacancies in schools, hospitals (this one is tricky, since I don't have license to practice medicine, I basically can't work as a doctor eventhough I am a doctor already, except if I have a strong connection, but that would be a nepotism, but that's a part of INDONESIA culture) - back on the joba vacancies: I finally got one interview on early Feb, it was for a position of Assistant Teacher in one of International Preschool in South Jakarta, I was called on Tuesday afternoon, I did an interview on Wednesday morning, did a teacher trial on Thursday and officially became a Teacher Assistant on Friday, February 10, 2012. FYI, I love children! Many people keep on asking me why did I apply for the job (outside med field), but for me doing something is so much better than doing nothing, honestly, I can't just spend time waiting and doing nothing and also I want to know what working life is all about and get experience (getting to know new people) and plus I really want/NEED to earn my own money (kalo ga kapan marriednya?? - #jeritanhati #curhatcolongan). I actually got another chance to interview as a doctor in one of 'Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat' in Bogor, but since I already took the teaching job and decided to commit to it for now, I didn't go to the second interview. I hope I made the right decision, I hope this is what God plan is for me. I trust my life in God and I believe everything happens for a reason.

"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer"- Romans 12:12