Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Can't you believe it? Just 4 days to Christmas! About the Christmas dinner, it's been decided, we'll go to Secret Recipe on Sunday evening, which means I gotta make the reservation sometimes this week. I'm going to Christmas Eve service at SIF (Suzhou International Fellowship) church to meet some friends there, then later for the evening I'm going to celebrate Christmas with Marcus and auntie June (they host a meeting every Saturday 4 PM at their house, the regulars are Janesya, Jenhan, Melisa, Swaroop, Pradeep, and me ~ 4 Indonesian and 2 Indians, all med students), we are going to order in the food from various restaurants. ^^ For the Christmas morning service I'm going to the Catholic church, but most of the people I know will be gone for holiday though. -_- This will be my last Christmas in Suzhou I guess (kecuali apabila Tuhan berkehendak lain, hehe).

Besides the Christmas celebration (party and everything), we shall not forget about the true meaning of Christmas, me myself sometimes got too excited with the mood for celebration till I forgot about what actually the real purpose of Christmas itself. It is about the birth of Jesus and everyone present during the birth of Jesus (i.e. Maria, the shepherds, etc), it is about joy for the savior has born, we need to spread the good news, just like the shepherds did. ^^ Let us make the the time to read about the birth of Jesus on the bible (Matthew or Luke) and spread the good news, let them receive the good news also. :)

P.S. Just 2 more weeks till I get to see my mister! thennn I'm hoping to say goodbye to LDR!

I miss this! Let's go there again! Make bunch of new even-more-memorable memories. ^^  This photo was taken in Lembang, Bandung.

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