Saturday, July 10, 2010

Birthday Present.

Meet my birthday present from my parents: (well actually, it was more like I chose the gift for myself and asked my mom and long story to be short she agreed!) Hurray! ^^ Makasi papa dan mama. *hugs*

My new Pink Lomo Fish Eye No.2

I'll be experimenting much with her during the holiday. Got my mister to teach me several basic things about photography. :p Oh and by the way, I bought 2 toy cameras also. One is aquapix, the other one is called disderi 3 lenses. As for now, I know so little about photography, but I'm ready to explore the world with my new several pairs of eyes. Teehee. :p

 My aquapix looks almost exactly like this one, but mine is with pink waterproof box.

This is the disderi 3 lenses, can't wait to try them out!!


Candela said...

Lillliii!!! Kamu suka lomo juga rupanya :)
Im longing for Diana F anyway. Tapi mahal yak lomo2an itu :(

Chatarina Lai said...

Hihi, iya ka Dian, baru2 juga sukanya. :)) Btul2 lumayan mahal, trus filmnya mahal. -_- Wah2 iya yang Diana F juga lucuu. :))
Btw, welcome to Jakarta! Have a very fun weekend!

Anonymous said...

hihi finally see your blog. :) i miss you.